At Home and Abroad, Administration Puts Cronyism Before Competence

Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (D-NY-28), Ranking Member of the House Rules Committee, expressed her deep concern over news reports on Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) staffing appointments made during the critically important initial months of the Iraq War:

“To this Administration, nothing is free from the corrupting effects of cronyism, politicization, and partisanship,” Rep. Slaughter said. “For years, federal agencies in the United States have been undermined by politically motivated decision-making, and have been handed over to individuals whose main qualification is their ideological allegiance to the President. And the same rules have always applied in Iraq.”

“This White House has said that the fight to rebuild Iraq is part of a war for civilization. And yet, Mr. Bush refuses to allow the most competent people to administer that fight. Instead, he has turned over critical tasks time and again to men and women who have neither the knowledge nor ability to complete them competently. As a result, the situation in Iraq has remained on the brink of collapse for years, and the lives of our troops and the Iraqi people have been put in needless danger.”

“Simply put, for this Administration, nothing is more important than the promotion of its friends and political allies,” Rep. Slaughter said. “It is one of the most egregious sets of priorities I have ever witnessed.”

The Congresswoman’s comments came in response to recent reports of the ways in which high-ranking officials in the CPA were selected during the early days of the Iraq war.

An article by Washington Post reporter Rajiv Chandrasekaran published this past Sunday outlined in detail how:

Mr. Chandrasekaran’s article is titled “Ties to GOP Trumped Know-How Among Staff Sent to Rebuilding Iraq,” and was published as part of the Sunday, September 17th edition of the Washington Post.